Enter the following command, using your Michigan Tech account name: Copy the file from the HMC to the PC using pscp. Then, in the same terminal window, you can ssh into the other on-campus computer. Point the pscp.exe location during the command prompt by dragging the cd key.

Please enter PATH/pathto /SPI endpoint.exe file in the command prompt. If you are trying to connect to an on-campus Linux computer and are off-campus, you will first need to connect to either .mtu.edu or .mtu.edu. How Copy File From Local Machine To Linux Server Using Putty Click on the Putty download page to obtain PSCP.EXE.

The university provides two primary servers for connecting remotely: MacOS and most Linux distributions will already have an SSH Client and on Windows we suggest you use PuTTY. When you are connected to the remote server you are in your H:/Home drive root directory. You can connect to various Linux computers on campus remotely by utilizing Secure Shell (SSH).