Skyrama 2
Skyrama 2

You will need hotels, parking lots, cafes and places of entertainment. You will then also be able to start building other types of buildings for your airport and surrounding area. As you get more runways and planes it starts to become a challenge as you try and manage everything. Once you do finally start to expand though, it does get a bit more interesting. There is no real competition, you cannot do anything to slow down other players and you cannot even trade with them. Other than that there is not much to do in the beginning other than send your planes to your friends airports and vice versa. You will need to keep a firm eye on fuel on the condition of your plane. You need to use the plane to travel to different destinations, which of course you will earn money for. When you start, you literally have nothing more than a landing strip and an airplane. The problem with this is that it can be a very boring game at the start which may prove to be a turn off for many potential players. However, you will eventually manage to expand it to have more than one runway and hangar. Unfortunately, the game is very slow, so you will have to make do with the small airport for some time. The problem here is that growing your airport is going to take you a very long time. There is not much fun to have in small airport so building it up as quickly as possible will be the aim for all players. SkyRama is a free to player MMO that sees players take control of their own airport and have to develop it until it becomes as big and bustling as possible. Amazon’s New World is finally released! - September 30, 2021.Neverwinter Update 9.61 Patch released - October 1, 2021.Crossout: Enemy of my Enemy patch released - October 11, 2021.

Skyrama 2